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Reinforcement and Challenge: The Components of Strong Branding
Posted on May 16, 2007 by Kevin G.
I have been thinking a lot about branding lately and came up with a couple ideas about it. Branding is all about the relationship a consumer has to a company and its products. This relationship is enhanced through new experiences, better quality, and improved reputation.
Often a relationship is strengthened by reinforcing the positive qualities. This is found in reward points for a certain amount of purchases, excellent customer service around trusted products, or improved stores or website to better serve customers.
Brands are also strengthened when they challenge their consumers into thinking differently about their product, service or company. Apple did it with computers and Starbucks did it with coffee. By challenging the consumers, they learn to refocus their view of a brand in an effort to improve the relationship.
These two commercials for BMW seem to do just that. Watch both and see which is more effective for you and how you see BMW as a brand.
p>tags: Award Winning Design | Blogging Tools | Building B2B Relationships | Building Customer Community Bulk Email Marketing |Business Credibility |Business Magazine |Business Relationships |CMO |Company Publication |Corporate Blogging |Corporate Newsletter |Creating Company Newsletter |Creative Emails |Custom Publisher |Customer Intuition |Educating Clients |Educating Prospects |Forbes Magazine |Magazine DesignWhat's a tag?
May 16, 2007 in award winning design, Blogging Tools, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, bulk email marketing, business credibility, business magazine, Business relationships, CMO, Company publication, Corporate Blogging, Corporate newsletter, creating company newsletter, Creative emails, Custom publisher, Customer Intuition, Educating Clients, Educating Prospects, forbes magazine, grow relationships, magazine design, Strategic Internet Marketing | Permalink
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