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The Influentials: A Book Summary Review

Posted on August 30, 2007 by Kathryn Regina.

This week the BeTuitive Publishing team takes a look at the Executive Book Summary of The Influentials by Ed Keller and Jon Berry:


The summary describes influential leaders in society who are swaying the consumer markets and the attitudes of their peers. Their value is even more relevant today with the ever expanding blogosphere, which the summary did not cover (most likely due to the publishing date of 2003). All of the messages described are still applicable to the boom of the interconnectivity we get today from the web. The “Developing an Influential Strategy” section is a must-read for a successful influential strategy with tips such as “Be Where the Information Is”, When Critics Come Knocking, Invite Them In”, and “Get Out Into the Community.”


This summary nailed the various qualities of Influentials.  It is important to remember that they are not the most educated, most wealthy, or experienced, but they all have a substantial thirst for information and speak about it within their social spheres.  Even though the summary covered every aspect of how they operate and how businesses should model their approach in respect to them, the summary did not quite come full circle.  The summary opened with, maintained, and concluded with diagnosing Influentials, but it did not end on a conclusive note.  A valuable read on the whole.


This summary describes a group of people it calls “The Influentials” with a fairly precise amount of detail. The Influentials are middle-aged, middle class, they read a lot, they don’t watch much television and they are activists. They are also smart shoppers. But who are they, exactly? Where is all of this information coming from? The summary never refers to any outside source or study that links these theories to concrete information. For all we know, it could be made up. I’m not saying that it is. And perhaps the book presents a more convincing argument. But for me, this summary may as well have been talking about an imaginary population.

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August 30, 2007 | Permalink


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