Not my beloved hyphens!

Posted on September 21, 2007 by Sarah Eaton.

In our world of word-squishing (thank you, the Internet), hyphens are gradually dropping off.  The Oxford English Dictionary axed 16,000 hyphens in its latest edition.  Some were rather antiquated (like cry-baby vs. crybaby); some I can't imagine ever using (logjam); some even I didn't realize had hyphens in them (lowlife).

You can read all about it here.

September 21, 2007 in award winning newsletter, Brand enhancement, build credibility, Corporate newsletter, Corporate publications, creating newsletter, how to publish and promote online, how to publish online, how to write and publish a paper, newsletter article, newsletter creation, Newsletter writers | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Judge a book by its cover...

Posted on August 09, 2007 by Jeff Sanchez.


We all do it...walking through a bookstore or browsing a website an attractive and enticing book/magazine cover always can draw us right in, no matter what the content may be. The blog Cover is now dedicated to the art of book cover design. Several recently released books are stacked up against each other based solely on their cover designs.

Take a gander to see if your favorite summer reads are in there and which books you would take a pass on. Other designers and industry professionals provide great two sense, also. Start judging.

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August 9, 2007 in award winning magazine, Award winning publications, Brand enhancement, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, create newsletter, creating newsletter, Custom email, Custom publication, Custom publisher, Custom publishing, Customer Intuition, customer magazine, customer retention, email marketing solution, email newsletter marketing, Email Newsletter Outsourcing, Email newsletter template, email services, how to publish a magazine, how to publish and promote online, how to publish online, how to write a newsletter, how to write and publish a paper, magazine design, magazine publishing, Marketing Communication, marketing magazine, marketing newsletter, Newsletter Marketing | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Six Productivity Tips

Posted on August 02, 2007 by Kathryn Regina.

I love that Brazen Careerist. Really, I just love her title. But I think her article on productivity offers some helpful insights as well. If you want to get more done in less time--and who doesn't?--you should check it out. My favorite tip is "focus on outcome."

Six Productivity Tips to Put Time on Your Side

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August 2, 2007 in award winning blog, Blogs, build credibility, business credibility, Business editorial, business magazine, company blog, company newsletter, Corporate Blogging, corporate magazine, Corporate publications, create newsletter, Custom publisher, Custom publishing, E-Marketing, e-newsletter, e-zine, Email Marketing, email service, ezine, ezine marketing, grow relationships, how to publish online, magazine design, magazine outsourcing, marketing newsletter, newsletter design | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

HTML Vs. Text

Posted on July 25, 2007 by Kevin G.

I was reading an article on practices that are working in B2B marketing.  Written by Robert Bly, the article supports the notion that even though marketing gurus promote authentic and effective practices, the large majority of them are inconsistent.

It is a challenge to pinpoint what exactly makes a marketing campaign succeed or fail, even when it comes to custom publishing.  One point, however, I refused to accept: B2B email marketing is a strategy best served in plain text format over HTML.  What?!

Alright, I understand how spammers utilize HTML in various ways to trick filters, personal message are often sent in text format and HTML messages can seem insincere if sent to a bulky list.  But to say that text email messages for B2B purposes works better than HTML is a bit shortsighted.

HTML has the capacity to present multiple sources of information in a customized way.  If designed well, HTML messages can help promote a company brand while delivering a unique experience for the subscriber.  Not to mention that HTML is more expansive in its capacity for tracking and measurement than plain text.

If you think text email messages will set you apart from the rest of the B2B traffic – you’re right. You'll leave your subscribers wondering why you seem to think bland is better.

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July 25, 2007 in award winning blog, award winning newsletter, Award winning publications, Brand enhancement, build credibility, Building Customer Community, bulk email marketing, company blog, company newsletter, create a newsletter, create email newsletter, create newsletter, creating company newsletter, creating newsletter, direct email marketing, E-Marketing, Email Marketing, Email Newsletter, email tracking, ezine marketing, how to publish a newsletter, how to publish online, html email newsletter, html newsletter, newsletter design, newsletter publishing | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack

3 Keys to Cultivating a Successful Blog: Relevant, Consistent, Transparent

Posted on June 21, 2007 by Kevin G.

Ok, we get it.  We (marketers, business owners, the general public) all know that blogs are great tools to use.  They spread awareness, knowledge and ideas behind a name, brand, or identity to the world on a personal level.  But it takes more effort than you think to cultivate a bussling active blog.  In the pursuit of spreading my knowledge (or my two cents), here are my three qualities any successful blog should have: 

1) Relevancy is Key

Successful bloggers don't throw everything at the wall to see what sticks – that's just lazy.  If bloggers are able to pick topics that ring clear to their intended audience, it shows they get it.  Show that you know what your audience is concerned about.  Be an expert through research and sharing experiences that people can benefit from.  A blog with relevant conent will spark engagement and enhance interaction.

2) Keep it Consistent

Consistency is key to developing readership.  When you pick days to post (whether it be daily, weekly, or even monthly) stick to them.  This shows that you care about the flow of your blog.  Consider the way you write about topics, present media or comment on fellow bloggers' postings.  A consistent blog is a reliable resource for your audience.

3) Maintain Transparency

Face it, your blog is open to readers all over the world.  It is easy to get burned if done dishonestly.  Savvy blog readers can see right through a fake and can make it a personal quest to expose the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Make sincere posts with honest intent to connect with your audience on a personal level.  Also, allow your readers to get in touch with you through email or be open to answer back on posts.

Here are some good tips to make a smashing start for your new blog.  Now blog away!

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June 21, 2007 in award winning blog, award winning design, Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, Blogging Tools, Blogs, Brand enhancement, build credibility, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, Business relationships, company blog, Corporate Blogging, Custom publication, customer retention, Educating Clients, Educating Prospects, grow relationships, how to publish and promote online, how to publish online, marketing solutions, nurturing relationships, web publish, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

8 Ways to Boost Your Click Through Rates

Posted on June 05, 2007 by Kathryn Regina.

From product reviews to information sharing, the Medquoda Daily shares tips from the "Creating Great Free Email Newsletters" session of SIPA's 31st annual conference in Washington D.C. Read the article to learn valuable information about copy writing for promotional-based emails.

These eight techniques will boost your click through rates

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June 5, 2007 in Blogs, build credibility, business credibility, Business editorial, Business Marketing, Business newsletter, Business publications, company blog, company newsletter, Company publication, Corporate newsletter, create a newsletter, create email newsletter, create newsletter, creating company newsletter, creating newsletter, custom newsletter, Custom publication, Custom publications, E-Marketing, Email Marketing, how to publish online, how to write a newsletter, how to write and publish a paper, magazine marketing, Marketing Communication, Newsletter content, newsletter creation, Newsletter Marketing | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

Simple and Balanced for Perfection

Posted on March 21, 2007 by Kevin G.

I find that being organized and well-balanced is one of the best strategies to take to ensure a productive and satisfying work week.

Often times the week starts out as planned as we manage tasks and then mid-way through we find ourselves pulled in every direction to please the whole world.  Well, so it seems.

With custom publishing, it’s important to keep a balanced and fresh feel with each issue.  If you feel the content is too sales oriented, try adding a cartoon or survey to engage your audience.  If the publication engages the reader but fails to draw measurable results, try adding a sales incentive or response mechanism to monitor reception beyond open and click performance.

There are many different ways to balance the perfect publication.  By keeping it simple and direct its hard to leave not satisfied with your results.

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March 21, 2007 in audio publication, blog publish, Blogs, business magazine, Business Marketing, Business newsletter, Corporate publications, create email newsletter, how to publish online, inc magazine, online marketing, opt-in email, Opt-in Email Marketing, outsource magazine, publish online | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack