Not my beloved hyphens!
Posted on September 21, 2007 by Sarah Eaton.
In our world of word-squishing (thank you, the Internet), hyphens are gradually dropping off. The Oxford English Dictionary axed 16,000 hyphens in its latest edition. Some were rather antiquated (like cry-baby vs. crybaby); some I can't imagine ever using (logjam); some even I didn't realize had hyphens in them (lowlife).
You can read all about it here.
September 21, 2007 in award winning newsletter, Brand enhancement, build credibility, Corporate newsletter, Corporate publications, creating newsletter, how to publish and promote online, how to publish online, how to write and publish a paper, newsletter article, newsletter creation, Newsletter writers | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
8 Ways to Boost Your Click Through Rates
Posted on June 05, 2007 by Kathryn Regina.
From product reviews to information sharing, the Medquoda Daily shares tips from the "Creating Great Free Email Newsletters" session of SIPA's 31st annual conference in Washington D.C. Read the article to learn valuable information about copy writing for promotional-based emails.
These eight techniques will boost your click through rates
p>tags: blogs | build credibility | business credibility | business editorial Business marketing |Business publications |company blog |corporate magazine |corporate newsletter |corporate publications |create a newsletter |create email newsletter |custom email |custom publication |how to write a newsletter |how to write and publish a paper |marketing communication |newsletter content |newsletter creation |newsletter marketingWhat's a tag?
June 5, 2007 in Blogs, build credibility, business credibility, Business editorial, Business Marketing, Business newsletter, Business publications, company blog, company newsletter, Company publication, Corporate newsletter, create a newsletter, create email newsletter, create newsletter, creating company newsletter, creating newsletter, custom newsletter, Custom publication, Custom publications, E-Marketing, Email Marketing, how to publish online, how to write a newsletter, how to write and publish a paper, magazine marketing, Marketing Communication, Newsletter content, newsletter creation, Newsletter Marketing | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Personalized Greetings
Posted on May 22, 2007 by Kathryn Regina.
When it comes to email, does "Dear Bob" personalization really work?
The short answer: It's a start, but customization is more than just a personalized greeting.
p>tags: writing newsletter | writing magazine | weblogs | web publish strategic internet marketing |publishing solution |publish writing |publish online |publish company |publish |publications management |online publishing |online newsletter |online marketing |nurturing relationships |newsletter solutions |newsletter solution |newsletter publishing |newsletter marketing |newsletter creation0What's a tag?
May 22, 2007 in Newsletter content, newsletter creation, Newsletter Marketing, newsletter publishing, Newsletter ROI, Newsletter solution, newsletter solutions, nurturing relationships, online marketing, online newsletter, online publishing, publications management, publish, publish company, publish online, publish writing, publishing solution, Strategic Internet Marketing, web publish, Weblogs, Writing a Newsletter, writing magazine, writing newsletter | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack